
CB5 to hold virtual meeting on Wednesday

Community Board 5 will hold a virtual meeting on Wednesday, May 12, at 7:30 p.m.
On the agenda is a public hearing regarding a proposed zoning text change is intended to allow the Metropolitan Transportation to leverage private developments to help create more accessible subway stations.
There will also be a public hearing on a proposed zoning text change requiring City Planning Commission approval for new and enlarged hotels and motels, tourist cabins and boatels in commercial, mixed-use and paired M1/R zoning districts. This proposed special permit requirement would override existing hotel special permit requirements.
There will also be a public forum to review applications for the sale of alcoholic beverages and building demolition notices, and committee reports.
Members of the public can view the meeting at or
Anyone wishing to offer a statement at the public hearing or during the public forum is asked to submit a typed statement to by 2 p.m. on May 12, so that it can be read into the record.
For additional information, call the Board 5 office at (718) 366-1834.

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