
Hire the most experienced hands on Broker- Jim Turano

Now celebrating his 42 year in the Real Estate Business.

Over 4,000 written appraisals to date completed.

Appeared in New York State Supreme Court as an expert

witness in appraising.

During Pandemic Jim Turano is offering to family members

a Free Date Of Death appraisal.

A Middle Village resident since 1965.

Past President of Kiwanis and Lions business club

Past Vice Commander of Luke J. Lang Veterans Organization.

Awarded by Senator Addabbo New York State

Community Award. Always giving back to the Communities he serves.

Residential/ Commercial/ Mixed Use

One of the best in appraising in all of Queens, NY

Jim Turano

Broker/ Diverse Real Estate


A hands on Broker

Highly Recommended

*Vietnam Veteran*

Experience makes a difference